Welcome to the Gateway of Dreams at BM Abroad Dreamers underline

Overseas student walking

Who are we

Gateway to a world of academic opportunities and global experiences.

Embarking on an educational journey in a foreign land is akin to stepping onto a canvas brimming with boundless possibilities. It is a realm where aspirations unfurl their wings and horizons stretch far beyond the realms of imagination. Founded in 2021, BM Abroad Dreamers transcends the role of mere consultancy; it stands as a harmonious orchestration of ambitions, a conduit that binds your dreams with the realm of world-class education you so rightly deserve. Yet, we are far from being conventional educational consultants; rather, we are artisans of dreams, architects of experiences, and your steadfast collaborators in the transformation of reveries into tangible reality.

student group study

A Vision to follow

We aim to inspire, empower, and enable aspiring individuals to reach for the stars in their academic pursuits.

In the year 2021, our journey commenced with a profound vision, one that unfolded with a twofold purpose. Our origins trace back to the heart of Bangladesh, where we came to intimately understand the unwavering zeal and fervor that students embody in their quest to conquer the global academic landscape. Simultaneously, fate led us to discover our kindred spirits in New Zealand, a land renowned for its breathtaking beauty and unparalleled academic excellence. Our vision is to be the beacon of guidance and support for students, transcending borders and boundaries. We aim to inspire, empower, and enable aspiring individuals to reach for the stars in their academic pursuits. We believe in the transformative power of education and its ability to shape futures.

Our mission is resolute: to provide comprehensive, bespoke support and unwavering guidance to students hailing from Bangladesh and beyond, expertly navigating the intricate pathways of international education. We envision a world where every student's aspiration to pursue education abroad materializes into a concrete reality. With steadfast determination, we are committed to bridging the chasm that often exists between ambition and accomplishment, empowering the forthcoming generation of global leaders

graduate student group photo

Founder’s Track & our specialization

Our founder is determined to make your journey smoother

Our strategic focus is primarily attuned to the exceptional academic landscapes of New Zealand and Australia. The rationale behind this choice lies in the unique background of our founder, a visionary and pioneer in his own right, who embarked on an illustrious academic voyage in New Zealand, successfully attaining both a Bachelor's degree and an MBA. His journey through these educational systems has endowed him with a profound understanding of the intricate tapestry of challenges that often accompany the pursuit of education abroad. Having personally traversed this path, he intimately comprehends the struggles, triumphs, and moments of uncertainty inherent in such a journey. His resolute commitment is to leverage this wealth of personal experience to facilitate a smoother, more streamlined educational journey for you.

graduate student

An experience to offer the dream catchers

Your journey represents our journey, and your achievements are a source of immense pride for us

We encompass more than mere academic pursuits; we are dedicated to fostering a holistic educational experience. We firmly believe that education transcends the confines of textbooks and traditional lectures. It is a multifaceted journey that encompasses acclimatizing to a new city, forging international friendships, immersing oneself in diverse cultures, and ultimately, assuming the role of the architect of one's own adventure. In recognition of this, our commitment extends beyond the provision of educational institutions; we meticulously design customizable travel itineraries, ensuring that your time in New Zealand or Australia is not solely focused on academic endeavors but encompasses the richness of living and experiencing life. Regardless of whether you are an aspiring student hailing from the captivating streets of Dhaka or a knowledge seeker from the picturesque landscapes of Auckland, we stand prepared to offer our expert guidance. As the dawn of your academic aspirations unfolds, place your trust in BM Abroad Dreamers as the canvas upon which your dreams begin to take form. Your journey represents our journey, and your achievements are a source of immense pride to us. Let us together weave the tapestry of your dreams into a reality.

Ready to Start your Journey to Success underline?


At BM Study Dreamers, we believe that education knows no boundaries and success knows no limits. With our dedicated guidance, your journey to success becomes a reality. With every step you take, we are by your side, providing expert assistance that transcends borders and empowers you to achieve academic excellence and personal dreams. Your journey to success begins here, with us.

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