How to Choose the Right Foreign University: A Comprehensive Guide for Bangladeshi Students
calender 17th Oct 2023

How to Choose the Right Foreign University: A Comprehensive Guide for Bangladeshi Students

Embarking on an educational journey abroad is a decision that holds the promise of growth, opportunity, and the transformation of aspirations into reality. At BM Abroad Dreamer, we understand the myriad of questions and considerations swirling through your mind as you stand on the precipice of this monumental decision. Selecting the right university is paramount, and with an array of excellent institutions in countries like Australia and New Zealand, students from Bangladesh have access to world-class education tailored to their career goals. This comprehensive guide aims to illuminate the path for you as you navigate the selection of your future alma mater.

Key Considerations for Choosing a University:

Academic Excellence and Course Availability:

  • Seek institutions renowned for their academic rigour and course offerings, ensuring they align with your career objectives.
  • Universities such as the University of Melbourne and the Australian National University offer a diverse range of programs recognized globally for their excellence.
  • In New Zealand, the University of Auckland stands out for its broad selection of courses and commitment to research and innovation.

International Student Support and Campus Community:

  • Delve into the support structures in place for international students, encompassing orientation programs, mental health resources, and academic support.
  • Both Australia and New Zealand pride themselves on their multicultural campus communities and strong support networks for students far from home.

Location and Lifestyle:

  • Consider the lifestyle the city offers, including climate, student activities, and cultural immersion opportunities.
  • Cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Auckland, and Wellington are not only student-friendly but also rich in culture, providing an immersive international experience.

Practical Learning and Employment Opportunities:

  • Evaluate the university's partnerships with local industries and opportunities for practical learning, internships, and post-study work prospects.
  • Institutions like the University of New South Wales and Victoria University of Wellington are famed for their strong industry links and post-study work opportunities, enhancing employability upon graduation.

Why Australia and New Zealand Could Be Your Prime Destinations:

The educational landscapes in Australia and New Zealand are adorned with institutions that consistently rank high globally. Particularly notable for students from Bangladesh are the diverse fields of study that cater to burgeoning industries back home.

For instance, the University of Sydney and Monash University in Australia offer prestigious engineering and IT programs, perfect for students aspiring to contribute to Bangladesh's rapidly growing tech industry. Alternatively, those interested in environmental studies might find the University of Queensland's acclaimed environmental science courses aligning with their passion for contributing to global sustainability efforts.

Across the Tasman Sea, New Zealand's Massey University is a beacon for innovation in agriscience, veterinary medicine, and business - fields that are increasingly pivotal in Bangladesh's evolving economic landscape.


The decision to study abroad is the beginning of an exciting new chapter, and choosing the right university is a significant step on this journey. Australia and New Zealand, with their internationally lauded institutions, are compelling study destinations that resonate with the academic and personal aspirations of students from Bangladesh. The diverse course options, supportive student communities, and the balance of academic and practical learning experiences are the hallmarks of education in these nations.

At BM Abroad Dreamer, we are committed to guiding you through this life-altering decision-making process, ensuring that your choice propels you towards your academic and professional aspirations. Contact us for more detailed insights, and let's embark on this journey together towards international educational excellence.

At BM Abroad Dreamer, we are committed to guiding you through this life-altering decision-making process, ensuring that your choice propels you towards your academic and professional aspirations. Contact us for more detailed insights, and let's embark on this journey together towards international educational excellence.